8th Grade Placement Test

The High School Placement Test (HSPT) is a requirement for all incoming freshmen applicants.  The HSPT evaluates students in the following cognitive and basic skill areas: Reading, Mathematics, and Language. The test is approximately 3 hours in length. This assessment tool is for admissions and course placement for freshmen year. Students can take the test in either November or January and still feel comfortable with the content covered in the exam.  A well-rounded middle school education is the best form of preparation.


Registration is required.
The High School Placement Test will be administered at North Catholic on the following dates:
  • Saturday, November 16th - 9:00am-12:00pm*
  • Saturday, January 11th - 9:00am-12:00pm*
  • Saturday, March 22nd - 9:00am-12:00pm
*In order to be considered for our North Catholic Scholar Award, students must take the HSPT in November or January at North Catholic High School and may only take it once at our location.  
Please note:  Students must have all components of their admissions application completed by January 13th to be eligible for our North Catholic Scholar Award.   An email will be sent to eligible families by February 3rd regarding details on how to apply for the scholarship.
To learn more about North Catholic scholarships, please click HERE
What to Expect:
  • Please arrive by 8:45am for your scheduled test date
  • Bring two #2 pencils.  We will also have some on hand for students.
  • You may bring a water bottle and small snack to enjoy between test breaks.  We will also have treats available for students as well.
  • No calculators are permitted
  • Testing will conclude at 12:15pm
  • Test results will be released to parents/guardians two weeks after the test has been administered
If you have questions regarding the HSPT, please contact Megan O'Hara, Director of Admissions.
High School Placement Test FAQ's  

The following are some frequently asked questions regarding the North Catholic Placement Test.  Our math department chair, Mr. Kevin Henry, has provided valuable insight regarding when to take the exam, as well as its purpose for high school admissions.

  • Should my child take the placement exam as late as possible so that they cover more content during their 8th grade year?
    The placement test consists of general reading, language, and math questions that are not course specific.  So there is no advantage to taking the placement test later in the school year.  In fact, we recommend taking the placement test as early as possible for academic scholarship opportunities.  Students that take the placement test in November will not be at an academic disadvantage.
  • Is this an admissions test?
    No.  We do not use this test to determine which students we admit to North Catholic. This placement test is used for the course selection process and for the scholarship process.
  • Can my child take the placement test more than once?
    The freshmen course selection process is a discussion between each family and the chairs of the English and math departments.  The placement test is just one part of that conversation.  So there is no advantage to taking the placement test multiple times.
  • How should my child study for the placement test?
    The placement test questions are not course specific.  The test is designed as more of an aptitude test, than a traditional test in school that covers specific content.  So there is no need to study or otherwise prepare for this test.  We just ask that all students try their best!